Thursday, April 12, 2012

Through the Lens...

We all love taking photos, right?
Heck, most phones now have a darn good camera in them.
Add an app for $1.99 and you have access to some
pretty sophisticated editing your phone photos.
I'm here to encourage you to use your phone (or actual camera)
to capture some fun and unexpected photos.

 Sometimes it's not having the most advanced photography equipment...
it's about an being there in the right place at the right time to 
capture a feeling or thought in a fraction of a second.  

Moments like these may be organic or 
they may come about through setting the stage.  
These are some creative photos meant to inspire you 
to use your viewfinder in a new way.

Shift your perspective, think outside the box and click away!

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Aqua Life!

Springtime... a season of freshness, new life, and vibrant color!
I was sitting on our lanai this weekend admiring how 
beautiful the water in the Gulf of Mexico appeared.  
The bright aqua, deep navy and pale sea green hues 
were absolutely stunning.  

In that vain, I thought I'd share some of my 
favorite turquoise accessories for this Spring with you.

The perfect tote! Large enough to carry all your needs for 
a day at the beach or a delicious trip to the farmers market.  
Fun & unique, these totes are a whimsical way 
to get into Spring & Summertime activities.

The sound of the waves rolling onto the shoreline... 
I couldn't resist including my favorite Gryphon Designs earrings
 that remind me of the clear turquoise waters
and soft white sand at my favorite beach. 

Down here in sunny Southwest Florida, 
wearing a hat while outside isn't just a fashion statement...
it's a safety precaution.  
The sun can get incredibly intense, so why not look fabulous 
AND do your skin a favor at the same time.

Shop for Tote: click here!
Shop for earrings: click here!