Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hello...May I Please Speak with Wonder-Woman?

Who is Your Heroine? 

You know...who is that woman that inspires you to do more, go further and push harder than you would ever imagine without them.  Who do you not only admire but encourages you to aspire to become all that you can be?

When I was MUCH younger, Wonder Woman was the end all be all!  As a brunette little girl living in a Barbie world, I was over the moon to find that blonds may have more fun, but brunettes kick bum and with style!  She reminded me that hair color was not destiny and knowledge is power.
Star Wars came out and I just thought Princess Leia was the cat's meow!  Here was a princess that could open up a can of serious whoop-ass and still be "your royal highness".  Talk about a game changer!  I learned that taking calculated risks was necessary to evolve as a woman and just because you are fighting a battle doesn't mean you can't do it with style.

Over the years I've learned so much from many heroines.  Some from Hollywood, most from my everyday life.  I consider them my entourage of inspiration.  When I'm down feeling like the statue rather than the pigeon, I remember that for which I'm grateful.  I may not have an invisible plane or a gold bikini but I have faith, hope & love.

Faith makes things possible, not easy.  Whether or not you know it now, you already are the woman you aspire to become.  Have faith.  Keep hope.  Know that you are loved.  Seek to be that for other women.  Make a difference.  Become all that you are!

Wonder Woman Photograph: Allstar/Cinetext Collection/Sportsphoto/Allstar/Cinetext Collection

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