Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just Breathe...

Sounds so simple yet can be so challenging at times.  
When we get stressed, mentally or physically, our breathing pattern changes, 
shortens, becomes more shallow. 
Heck, sometimes we even hold our breath without even knowing it!

Today in yoga class, our instructor, Cesar, said something that caught me off guard.  I actually paused what I was doing to take in and digest his words.  In a very gentle voice, Cesar said "The minute you stop breathing, you begin dying".  I actually stopped what I was doing to take in and digest his words.  I thought, "Whoa!  That's a little heavy for me this morning."  The further into my yoga practice I got, the more his words resonated with me.  He was so right!  

The times in my life when I'm the most frustrated, lost, confused...I'm feeling that way because there is a part of me suffering or dying.  When I stop to take a deep breath and get myself more centered, things have a way of becoming more clear.  I notice my heart beat regulating, my shoulders relaxing and focus to return slowly.   That's not to say that taking a deep breath or two will solve the problem, but it does help me to take care, stop dying, to make better choices rather than feel like things are happening to me.  

I encourage you to live a little more today by just breathing through whatever comes your way.  
I know I will.  Namaste!

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